Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Back to the normal life...

Hi guys,

Here we are, back to the normal life, I can't really change the name of the blog but we're still in a new part of the world, everything is new for us, in a few years everything changed in France and everybody makes fun of us as we put english word in all our sentences.

So Matt started his new job on monday and his dad had already planed a lot of work for him, first conference call at 10.00pm with a client in Saoudi Arabia, Matt was not that happy!!!
Me, I started school on monday as well. So you can easily deduce that Matt is the one who makes the money and I'm the one who spend it, I love it!!!

I'm gonna learn a lots of new stuuf, it feels really geeky, but it's great so far I love it and people in my class seems really nice. So weird to be with all these people speaking french all day long but easier as well.

Funny thing, there is a girl in my class she used to leave in London in Sheperd's Bush and guess where she was working, yesssssssssssss... in Baker Street. She's been back for a month already, and she find it really weird as well.

Anyway, we should have our house beginning of june, so the offer is still on, come whenever you want guys, knowing that I will be there only at week end and you will have to stay only with Matt, so all single pretty girls are not invited.

Speak u soon.


Wednesday, 9 May 2007

This is the end... - C'est la fin

... my only friend the end... ok it's not really like that but I love this song from the Doors. Anyway, that will be MY las post from far away as we can conclude that Matt was not really active on the blog, we all agree about that.

We are at the Las Vegas airport, we had an awesome time in America, and Las Vegas is definitely the most crazy place in the world.
Matt is currently buying sweets in the airport shop, and I said THE airport shop as in our terminal there is only two shops, I'm glad they've got a wifi spot.

Anyway, to tell us what we did this last few days. First, we saw the Grand Canyon, and I have to tell u, if u go in america for one thing that must be this one, it's just unbelievable and as the said in the guide book, nothing can't prepare u to what you're going to see, that one of the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, it will put tear in your eyes and make you feel you're a little nothing.

After the Grand Canyon and the desertic land of Arizona (a real cowboy movie), we went to Las Vegas which is more than crazy and quite unbelievable but on a differnt level. We manage not to loose to many dollars and we went to see an incredible show from Le Cirque du Soleil, KA, and I've had to tell u, that's really something, that's a terrific show.

I guess I should turn off the computer as they will soon call us in the plane. Speak u soon guys, and for some of u in real.


French version - Version francaise

... mon ami la fin... ok c'est pas encore tout a fait la verite mais j'adore cette chanson des Doors, c'est donc MON dernier post de tres loin car nous pouvons conclure que Matt n'a pas ete tres actif sur le blog, on est tous d'accord la-dessus.

Nous sommes a l'aeroport de Las Vegas, on a passe de tres bons moments aux Ameriques, et Las Vegas est definitivement un endroit fou.
Matt est en train d'acheter des sucreries dans le magasin de l'aeroport et je dis le magasin car il y a seulement 2 magasins (dont un est un restaurant), je suis contente qu'il y est une connection wifi.

Bref, pour vous dire ce que nous avons fait des derniers jours, nous sommes alles au Grtnad Canyon et je dois vous dire que si vous devez voir une seule chose aux USA, c'est celle la, c'est juste incroyable et comme ils le disent dans le guide, rien ne peut vous preparer a ce que vous allez voir, c'est l'une des choses les plus magnifiques que j'ai jamais vu, a vous en mettre les larmes aux yeux et vous faire sentir vraiment peu de choses.

Apres le Grand Canyon et les terres desertiques de l'Arizona (un vrai film de cowboy), nous sommes alles a Las Vegas qui est plus que fou et aussi assez incroyable mais a un niveau different. On a reussi a ne pas perdre trop d'argent dans les casinos et nous avons vu un superbe show du Cirque du Soleil, Ka, et c'est vraiment quelquechose, un show vraiment genial.

Bon je crois qu'il est temps pour moi d'eteindre l'ordi car on va bientot nous appeller pour l'embarquement. A bientot et pour certains a tres tres bientot.


Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Matt is writing this post... - Mathieu ecrit ce post

... no I'm kidding, it's still me. Matt is (try to picture this in your head) in his underwear, in front of the TV. The perfect Al Bundy. God, sometimes I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!

Anyway, already in may and i didn't post anything since half of april, so here we go, that might be one of the last post from far far away. We are in the US, and you know what, it's not as bad as we thought. You know french, how we are with the americans, but I have to say we met really helpful and nice people. Matt, obsiously, says that California is differnet from the rest of the US, but I really enjoy my time here, my belly not so much, food is really greasy, good but really greasy. We had the best burger in LA at Tommy's with chili, god that was good. We went to the Universal Studios and we saw the set of Desperate Housewives, you can bet that I was mega excited. LA was really like on TV, in each piece of street you spot something you've seen in a movie. But for now, our heart is with San Francisco, this city is fantastic (thanks to Deb and Andy for their good book address). We visited Alcatraz, said hello to the sea lion on the pier 39 (god, they stink so much) and we ride on cable car (which by the way, it's great, i love it).

Tommorow, we're leaving for the Sonoma Valley and we're going to do some wine tasting, and after that the Death Valley will open its door to us following by the Grand Canyon and we finish by Vegas, where I will try to get Matt drunk to marry me (like in Married with children).

Anyway, we are nearly back in UK for a few days and after that to old good France. So, as soon as we get a place to live, you're all welcome to spend your holidays in the south east of France.

That's it for tonight guys (by the way, i'm writing on my brand new laptop, Matt took a picture of me when I was opening it and make a video saying that I was becoming a geek, so to make it clear I'm not a geek, not even a nerd, I'm with the cool people ok, not the geek, I'm with the cool people).

Speak u soon guys.


PS: We've got an awesome car, it's a big SUV, a Lincoln, it's a monster, I love it.

French version - Version francaise

... non je deconne, c'est toujours moi. Matt est (essayer de vous faire une image dans la tete) en sous vetement sur le lit en train de regarder la TV. Le parfait Al Bundy. Dieu, parfois, je me sens comme la fille la plus chanceuse de la terre!

Bref, deja en mai et je n'ai rien mis sur le blog depuis mis avril, donc nous y voila, c'est peu etre le dernier post que je fais depuis nos vacances de tres loin. Nous sommes au USA, and vous savez quoi, c'est pas aussi mal que ce que l'on pensait. Vous savez comment nous sommes nous francais avec les americains, mais je dois dire que nous avons rencontre seulement des gens tres serviables et gentils. Matt, naturellement, dit que la Californie est differente du reste des USA, mais franchement je passe vraiment du bon temps ici, mon ventre pas tellement vu que la nourriture est super grasse, bonne mais tres grasse. On a mange des supers burgers a Los Angeles chez Tommy's avec du chili, dieu que c'etait bon. On est alle aux Studios Universal ou j'ai pu voir la ou se tourne Desperate Housewives, je vous laisse imaginer mon etat d'excitation.
Los Angeles, c'est vraiment comme a la TV, a chaque coin de rue on reconnait un truc qu'on a vu dans un film ou a la TV. Mais je dois dire que notre endroit prefere pour l'instant est San Francisco, cette cille est geniale. Nous avons visite Alcatraz, dit bonjour aux lions de mers sur le pier 39 (dieu, que ca sent mauvais) et on est monte sur un cable car (j'ai adore).

Demain, nous partons pour la Sonoma Valley ou nous allons faire quelques degustations de vin, et apres ca ce sera la vallee de la mort, puis le Grand Canyon et pour finir Vegas, ou j'essairais de saouler Matt pour qu'on se marie (comme dans Maries 2 enfants)

Breef, on est bientot de retour en Angleterre pour quelques jours puis pares ce sera le retour dans notre bonne vieille France. Donc des qu'on aura un endroit pour vivre, vous etes tous les bienvenus pour passer vos vacances dans le Sud-Est de la France.

C'est tout pour ce soir. A bientot


PS: On a une super grosse voiture genre gros 4x4, c'est une Lincoln, un vrai monstre, j'adore.