Friday, 24 November 2006

It's done!!! - C'est fait !!!

Monday the 20st of November 2006, we gave our notice (Fanny: "Yeahhhhhhhhh, for the one who were working in the same company as me they will understand!!!).

So that's it. It's done, finito, finish, niet, nada, zero, there is no coming back, no more work... Ok maybe a little bit more of work, till the 20st of December at least.

French version - Version francaise

Lundi 20 Novembre 2006, nous avons démissionné (Fanny : "Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, pour ce qui on bossait là où je bosse, ils comprendront !!!).

Donc, ça y est. C'est fait, finito, finish, niet, nada, zéro, il n'ya plus de retour en arrière, plus de travail... Ok peût être un peu plus de travail, au moins jusqu'au 20 décembre.


OneLiner said...

Does resigning from Tribeka feel as good as I remember? I want a comparison with the following

1. Chocolate
2. Sex
3. Good sex


OneLiner said...

Hehe, I forgot my username was onliner from my other blog. You know who this is anyway :P

Greek person signing out.